



*原住民元日本兵についての参考書:「霧社に生きる」(柳本通彦著・現代書館) 「一視同仁の果て」(加藤邦彦著・勁草書房) 「証言台湾高砂義勇隊」(林えいだい編著・草風館)
[以下英訳] "Journal: High Waves of Taiwan Strait – No.2" Michihiko Yanagimoto
"The Concealed Memorial"
Only one hour bus ride away from the center of Taipei, Wulai is known as one of Taiwan's major tourist sites, with its hot springs and cherry blossoms in spring. Some may know Wulai also as the aboriginal village of the Atayal people. If you visited there, you could have found the war memorial built by Former President Li Deng Hui and a few local wealthy men. The memorial would have been engraved: "For the Souls of the Taiwanese Aborigines Formerly Assigned to Japanese Army." This is because, during World War Two, under Japanese occupation, more than 10,000 Taiwanese aborigines were integrated into Japanese army. Among them, less than a half returned home alive.
But the memorial is no longer there. On the 8th of February this year, due to financial difficulties for maintenance, the land was sold away, and the main memorial and a group of smaller memorials were removed from the land. Then, with donations raised in Japan, they re-settled in a public park in Taipei. The Taipei local government had supposedly given an official approval to this.
When the Taiwanese media reported all this process, some pointed out the Japanese flag symbol and the Japanese writing on the memorials as a very critical issue. They said: "Here is not Japan; here is Republic of China. And those buried under the memorials are also our people, not Japanese." To them, these war memorials were as if to glorify the war by the Japanese and define positively the Japanese imperialism in the past. One nationalist politician took the lead of this movement and ordered to remove the memorials.
On the 24th of February, early morning, I visited the park to find most of the memorials already taken away and the main memorial covered by pieces of rough plywood.
Some TV shows featured this incident and its two-sided views. One view states: During the war time, the Taiwanese aborigines did join the Japanese army voluntarily as "Japanese" soldiers, and now who can blame if the modern Japanese people wish to pray for the souls of these war victims. The anti-Japanese view, on the other hand, states: the imperialists forced them to fight for the Japanese cause; therefore, it's intolerable to place the memorials to glorify such an incident in a public park of Taiwan. Both views were heated by the debate, and crowds of visitors to the park never stopped for a few days.
This whole incident of the memorial implies, if I may say, how insensibly the modern Japanese can act toward the land and the people they once colonized. With such typical phrases from the war period as "Pure Spirit of Yamato," "People of the Emperor" or "Sacred Souls of the Dead in Battle" engraved on the memorial, they would surely be blamed for "post-colonialism" as some Taiwanese call it.
